VMware image customization in progress issue
I just came across this very annoying VMware guest customization artifact. I neglected to update the sysprep directories at
C:<ALLUSERSPROFILE>Application DataVmwareVMware VirtualCentersysprep
with a current version and it resulted in a failed image customization that would not go away. On each system restart a boot time run of sysprepDecrypter.exe would occur and cause a continual loop of execution on every boot.
To correct the issue I removed the sysprepDecryptor.exe registry entry from the session manger key rebooted and it ran for the last time. I manually ran sysprep afterwards to ensure that the SUID was unique.
Here is the location to delete the sysprepDecryptor.exe registry entry.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession Manager
Value name = BootExecute
Default Value = autocheck autochk *
Tags: image, sysprep, template, vm, VMware
Site Contents: © 2008 Mike La Spina
Thank you for sharing this post. I had the same issue. This helped me out and I appreciate it.
Thanks for sharing this! Always nice to “find the needle in the haystack!”
Thank you!! It works great with Windows 2008 R2.
Thanks. Works for Windows 2008 Std 64 as well. KLJ