ESX 3.5.0 Upgrade Pegasus Issue

I was upgrading some ESX 3.5.0 systems the other day and noticed a strange error on the pegasus server CIM startup.

The error was as follows.

Error from the log file /var/pegasus/vmware/install_queue/3.log”
Parsing error: parse error: Error adding class VMware_IdentityMemberOfCollection
to the repository: CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND: The requested object could not be found:”VMware_Identity”

After digging around a bit I found a couple of errors in the MOF compiler directives and a file is missing from the shared provider components.

To correct the problem which appears to be wide spread I performed the following adjustments.

Edit the roleauth-schema compiler directive to include the VMware_Identity class definition using nano “/var/pegasus/vmware/install_queue/3_files/mofs/root/PG_Interop/roleauth-schema.mof”

Add the WMware_Identity line above the pre-existing member directive.

#pragma include (“VMware_Identity.mof”)
#pragma include (“VMware_IdentityMemberOfCollection.mof”)

It also needs to be added in the standard cimv2 path.

nano /var/pegasus/vmware/install_queue/3_files/mofs/root/cimv2/roleauth-schema.mof

#pragma include (“VMware_Identity.mof”)
#pragma include (“VMware_IdentityMemberOfCollection.mof”)

Copy the missing file from the stardard cimv2 path to the shared path.

cp /var/pegasus/vmware/install_queue/3_files/mofs/root/cimv2/VMware_Identity.mof


Stop and start the service with these commands.

/etc/init.d/pegasus stop
/etc/init.d/pegasus start

Once the scripts completes the install_queues will be empty and the service will start much more quickly.

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